Saturday, November 10, 2012

As The Lord Assigns

As the first century church grew, people from different backgrounds started to meet together.  Some were Jewish males who had been physically marked by circumcision to show their Judaistic faith.  Others were Gentiles with no such background, faith, or markings. Since all believers from the Jews' past had been 'marked' should the Gentiles be as well.  The Gentiles did not see the need.  It led to a struggle with all kinds of questions:  Does he have this? Where is he from? Should he or shouldn't he? Should I or shouldn't I? On and on the questions went with, I am sure, some finger pointing along the way.

Notice what Paul says about it.
I Corinthians 7.17- Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.   (

The theme: Don't worry about what others do or what others think.  We are all different.  We have different backgrounds.  We come from different places.  We have had different experiences.  All Chrisitians have one thing in common:  Jesus.  Keep our eyes and our minds on Him and the rest of this stuff will work out. 

Let's just follow the Lord's assignments.

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