Thursday, November 22, 2012

Celebrating Thanks

Children mimic what they see in us.  Little girls want baby dolls  so they can  play 'Mommy'.  Little boys make tools out of sticks and build or tear up stuff....just like Dad.  In the days of Christ's life weddings and funerals were big deals.  They are still but weddings went on for days and funerals involved whole towns. Children would mimic what they saw, just like they still do.

When Jesus saw how John the Baptist was met when he preached repentance and how Christ himself was met when he preached a life more abundant, he compared their listeners to school children that did not want to play along.  Notice it:

Matthew 11.16-17-  “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their playmates,
17 “‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
    we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’

Let's be sure to 'play along.'  Let's celebrate what Christ wants us to celebrate and mourn what He would have us to.  Often we get it backwards- we celebrate a sick society and we mourn a saint receiving her promised inheritance.  It ought not be.  Let us live as if The Lord is presently living in our lives and loved ones that we dearly miss this Thanskgiving (and her BIG OL' dish pans of dressing) are actually living out the promise that they have thankfully been looking forward to. 

And I ain't playing....

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving and please pray that the Sumrall's will continue to feel the overwhelming peace that God has granted during these difficult days.

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