Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Man and the Tree

The Garden of Gethsemane has meant a lot to me for a long time.  It was there that the Lord prayed about the cup.  It was there he surrendered to it.  Before the guards ever came, the Lord dealt with the cross in the garden.  The cup that he refers to his prayers there is an Old Testament term that compared the Lord's Wrath with a foaming cup of life destroying wine.  Sinners would have to drink it up.  Now Christ, sinless on our behalf, would have to endure the wrath of God on Calvary because of, not His sin, but ours. It all happened on that Mount of Olives that overlooked the Temple mount and, more specifically, in that garden that held the oil press.  That is where this happened:
And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” -Matthew 26:39 (
I have often thought about the Garden and often thought I would like to go to Israel just to be in the garden and walk where the Lord struggled so on our behalf.  On our recent visit, it was one of my favorite spots.   It was beautiful but that is not why I wanted to be there.  It was fascinating.   The trees that are in the garden are over 1000 years old and we met a Franciscan monk who had tended the garden for over 50 years!  The reason I wanted to go is to try to get a greater feel of the atmosphere on that awesome night.  Many things have changed about its appearance since then.  It is not just a grove, but a major attraction.  Beautiful churches are built around it claiming 'the spot.'  However there was also this tree.  The picture to the left is of an olive tree that has stood for over 3000 years.  This tree 'witnessed' the Lord.  That is quite an awesome thought. 

Much has changed, but one thing has not:  Jesus took on your sins and mine when He took on the Cup of God's Wrath on the cross.  Because of his willingness, we can be forgiven and renewed.   No more sobering thought than the greatest love of a man laying down His life for his friends. 
Let's live today like an indebted friend to Jesus!

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