Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 19, Acts 2, and continue to ponder and memorize Romans 12.1-2.

One of the most challenging and visionary charges that you see in all of the writings of the Bible is found in Romans 12.1-2.  I encourage you to ponder on Romans 12.1 today- I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Before Christ it was required of all believers to sacrifice an animal without blemish to pay for their sins.  Since Christ, our sacrifice is a living one, not one of death.  We are to sacrificially live our lives to please and honor the Lord.   Everyday we die a death to our own selfish ways, so that we can live for Christ and do our best to honor Him in the way we live.

We are to be holy.  Holy simply means set apart for a special purpose.  One who has surrendered his/her life to Christ is set apart for God's purposes.   When I was in physical education in elementary school, we would chose up sides and play  kickball, softball, or flag football.  Once we were chosen to a team, we were to play with all we had for that team.  Well, if you have surrendered your life to Christ, it is because you have been chosen and you are on TEAM JESUS.  Every move you make ought to represent your team and be for the benefit of your team.

We are to be acceptable.  What is acceptable to God?  It is nothing more or less than wholehearted effort to live out His purposes for our lives.   That is what true worship is about.   True worship is not about an hour or two with a bunch of others once a week.  Worship is about living a life that honors and focuses on Christ.  Once we have lived like that all week long, when TEAM JESUS comes together on Sunday, it is going to be an awesome time of focusing on Him with others.

How do we do all this?  We are enabled by the mercies of salvation, spiritual maturity, and endurance of The Lord.  It is part of the TEAM JESUS package.

May this day be marked by the personal, private, as well as the public, well noticed worship of TEAM JESUS!  Be blessed and be a blessing!

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