Monday, August 27, 2012

In the Midst

I have the joy this morning of writing on one of my favorite passages in all of Scripture.  In 2004 after finishing all of my doctoral seminars, I had finished all my requirements except the dissertation.  I struggled with what to write on.  I had always wanted to do indepth research on the book of Revelation and gain a better understanding of it.  I had never really been satisfied with what I had read and heard.  Most, that I have heard or read, believe that the entire book concerns what will happen in our tomorrows with no true revelance to the 1st century (at least, that they would spend any time on).  Others that I had read simply saw it has history and not as futuristic at all.  I firmly believe the answer is somewhere in between.  So I set out to start studying the book of Revelation.   The study culminated with a 250 plus page dissertation on the book, followed by a year long sermon series.
I said all that to say:  my favorite passage in all of the book of Revelation is the following: 12 Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest.- Rev. 1.12-13 (
The lampstands represent the seven churches that the revelation was written to.  Those seven churches sat on a Roman postal route and the letter was intended to be copied by each and passed on.  The churches were under the pressure of the Roman Empire and looking for answers in the darkness of their world.  When John writes from the island of Patmos, his place of exile, he writes to give them hope in the midst of their circumstances.  How did he do that?  He begins by telling them how grand Christ is and where Christ is: walking among them...Christ is the midst of the lampstands.  The lampstands represent them.  

So where is God when the hard times come?  He is in the midst.  He is in there with you.  You are not alone.  He is In The Midst and in your midst.

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