Thursday, August 16, 2012

What Is Truth?

In John 18.38 a great question is asked by Pilate that I believe has been and is being asked over and over again through history:  Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” (
It is a great question.  I took a philosophy class at a junior college over twenty years ago and through a lot of convaluted conversations the class tried to come to an answer about that.  I have had a lot of conversations since that time with folks looking for the answers in life (whether actively pursuing it at the time or not) who asked many similiar questions.  I have heard many spout off about how 'the truth can set you free' who had no idea what the 'truth' really was. It is a great question.  It is about as great a situation as when Pilate later tried to wash his hands of the death of Jesus, although he sentenced Christ.  Pilate so represents the general public that it is amazing. 

'What is truth?' is a great question, but, thank God, there is also a great answer.  In John 18.37 Jesus dealt with it- Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world— to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

What is truth?  Truth is the person of Christ and the answer of His Message and Mission to the many difficulties and questions that folks have in this life.  When it comes to answers for the questions that people have in this life, the only answer is truth.   Yes, by truth, I mean the man, the God, the Godman and the message and mission that He came proclaiming and fulfilling.  The hardest questions of this life...the most important questions...the most soul searching questions... are all found in Christ and His opportunities to us for salvation. 

Never wander too far from that lifeline.  As a matter of fact, spend the day, flinging that hope at the drowning that surrround us. 
And have a great one!

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