Thursday, December 6, 2012

Some Boots and A Cup of Coffee

When NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo was walking the beat in subfreezing weather last week and saw a homeless man without shoes, it immediately cut him to the heart.  He went into a local store, picked out some Skeecher boots, asked for a discount, and then paid $75 to give the man some boots.  A tourist took a photo of Officer DePrimo giving the generous gift and since the story has went viral.
Officer DePrimo said that he did not think twice about it.  His own feet were cold and he had two pairs of socks on.  He also offered the man a cup of coffee, but after the boots, the man went on his way.  They never exchanged names. 

We need a little more....a lot more...of this kind of kindness in our world.  Whether it is the homeless or those at home with us, let's not be selfish today.  Let's put others before ourselves.  Whether it makes the media or not, let's shock our little world as the love of Jesus flows out of our lives to impact those around us. 

As the apostle Paul put it in Philippians 2.3-4- Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Let that mark your day and you may leave His mark on others.

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