Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lives to Pray

The Greatest Show on Earth has come to town and we went to see it.  We were thoroughly entertained by the circus last night.  The acrobatics, the animal tricks, the dude walking on the ceiling upside down without a net, the girls hanging by their hair, the motorcycle on the is amazing.  I try to see how they do it...they just do it.  When I go to the circus, I am like a kid. 

I would enjoy it much more if I wasn't so worried about the performers.  I worry about if they are making a living or just binding time.  I worry about the underbelly of a show on wheels, long schedules, and the lifestyles that go along with all that.  I worry about their insurance, what if they get hurt....I was praying for the boy walking on the ceiling last night...and the motorcycle dude...and the girl in the middle of the motorcycles riding around that huge hamster ball.   Now when I say 'worry', don't take it too literally.  I lost no sleep over such matters, but at the pre-show in the round, I was looking in their eyes to see if they were really enjoying it or just doing the show.  It looked like they were enjoying it.  I hope they do. I read an article about the lead clown in the paper this morning.  He is loving it.  Good for them. I know we enjoyed it.

Now when I say prayed, I meant that I prayed at the time, probably has much for my girls not to see tragedy as I did for the performers.  Do you know what?  We have one that LIVES TO PRAY for us.
Hebrews 7:25- ... he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.   Praise the Lord!  Christ lives to pray for you and me.  That is real prayer, not just for a moment but for all of life.    (,6,7;%20Hebrews%207 )

Serve Him today and know that He loves you and prays for you.

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