Friday, July 22, 2011

Looking Into the Son!

I am so proud of our Houston Solar Race Team.  They have once again done it.  For 11 years our high school voc tech team and at least one solar car have went to Texas for a national competition and came out on TOP...every time!  This year they split the ladies and the guys and had two cars and two teams and both of them won their division.  Check it out: .  Our community gets behind this and allows it to be possible.  It was my understanding that due to budget cuts, more money needed to be raised and I think I was told they needed $10,000 and raised $16,000.  Congratulations Houston and even more so 'Congratulations, Solar Team.'  If you are going to do it, do it right. 

It is great that the community gets behind such a project instead of simply serving self.  Enough with being self-serving, let's follow the example of Scripture and serve others.  Thank God the prophets did.  I Peter 1:12 says It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.   What is that saying?  It is saying that the prophets answered the call of God at great expense, even their lives, to proclaim the message of what God was bringing in Christ.  They did not do it for what they would experience but for the coming generation.  They simply looked forward to Christ, not seeing that promise fulfilled until they were in eternity.  Don't you dare be self-serving today.  Don't even be others-serving.  Serve the Lord.  You may not see the results until eternity but oh, what a day that will be!  Keep your eyes on Him today, and your focus on the needs of others (especially their greatest need) and have a great one!

And again, Congrats, Solar Team!

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