Sunday, January 15, 2012

Church Day

My 5 year old daughter is trying to get a grasp on time.  "How long until this?  Is it tomorrow or the next day or the next day?"  Just yesterday she held up her hands pretty close together as if showing me how long a fish was that she caught and asked, "How long is it until my birthday? This long?"  Well, it is bigger than the size of a brim but it is not the size of a... how do you show a kid how far....I mean months is by holding your hands together?  I just told her it would be quite a while.  We had been talking about her sister's birthday which always falls during spring break. 
Another question she often asks when she wakes up is "What day is it?"  She does not mean Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.  She means 'school day', 'church day', or 'family day.'  Then she will ask what tomorrow is and on and on. 
Well I am happy to tell her when she wakes up today that it is 'Church day'.  (We kinda sing 'Church Day' to each other.) I have always loved church day; at least since I was her age.  My kids love it too and I am thankful.  The Psalmist loved it too ( - Psalm 7:17- I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.  Earlier in verse 7 he had discussed the assemby getting together in worship.  I hope you will be a part of 'Church Day' today.  Let's come already celebrating the Lord and ready to give thanks and sing praise!  I'm looking forward to seeing you.

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