Today we read I Samuel 8,9, &10 and 2 Corinthians 10.
It is so easy for us to be swayed by the perspectives, ideas, temptations, and oversights of the world in which we live. We must be careful to allow the Lord to transform our mind by the washing of His Word instead of conforming to this world. Paul put it this way in 2 Corinthians 10.5-6- We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 6 being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
Your thoughts will get away with you if you do not take them captive. When I was a child we went through a couple of hamsters along the way. We had a clear plastic ball that we would put a hamster in and let it run all over the house. However, if you let a hamster out to run without containing it, there is a lot of places to lose a hamster in a house...especially one that has a dog. Even when the hamster was loose, we had to make sure that we had taken it captive for its own protection.
Our thoughts are a lot like those hamsters. You better not let your thoughts run loose. A daily dose of God's Word will help you keep a Godly perspective on matters in the midst of a world full of downward sloping opinions and a TV full of worldly talking heads. A daily dose of God's Word will be a great check point for wandering thoughts that seperate us from God, or that lead us in unhealthy directions, and, when left untap, often lead to moral collapse. We are in a war, folks, and one that we cannot see. We cannot see it, because it is bigger than us. The evidence of such a battle is all around us, however, and we do not need to fall victim to it. Protect your heart and mind from the filth and misdirection of the world in which we live.
Take every one of your thoughts and make them captive for the Lord. That is the way we can thrive.
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