Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Am Glad

Today we read 1 Samuel 23, Psalms 31 & 64, and Matthew 7.

I have had a wonderful and blessed week and now I am home and I am glad. 

I am glad I got to spend some time with my parents.  I made a detour during the week and spent the night and a couple of meals with my Mom and Dad.  Always a gift of God and I am glad that it worked out. 

I am glad that there is a place in the Tennessee hills that is a sanctuary for me and a few other pastors.  Sleep experts talk about preparing your place for sleep.  Study experts talk about preparing your place for study.  Well, Whitestone is a place set aside by God and us (the few pastors) to get away, ponder, discuss, pray, fellowship, and grow.  I am glad we have such a place.

I am glad that I have those guys as friends.  We are as different as night and day. We have three things in common: the Lord Jesus, the call into ministry, and a friend named Ken Smith.  However, as iron sharpens iron, we sharpen one another...really the Lord sharpens us through each other.

I am glad that they are all just normal guys.  I come home refreshed that others have 'stuff" that they deal with: heartache, valleys, pressure, great times followed by not-so-great, visions, and hopes- ongoing stuff that God is working on in us and the people we love and serve.  

I come home refreshed by friends, by fellowship, and, now that I am with them again, by family. 

I am glad that I serve a risen Savior who is in the world today!  I am going to follow the advice of the Psalmist.
Psalm 31.23-24-  Love the Lord, all you his saints!
   The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride.
24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!

I will give Him praise today... I encourage you to do the same...Have a blessed day!

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