Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Heart of the Matter

Today we read 1 Samuel 30 & 31, 1 Chronicles 10, & Matthew 12. 

Your heart is really is.  What is in your heart, what fills you up, what you concentrate on will come out.  Your heart will overflow.  The question is: What it is your heart?  Do you know where the spout of the heart is.  In Matthew 12.34 Jesus tells us-  For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

If your mouth doesn't work right or if it is does not seem to say the right things, check your heart.  If you can get to the heart of the matter, the mouth will fix itself.

I hope you have a good day of examining the heart and making sure the heart is right with the Lord.  You will say things that are a lot prettier and more positive when it is.

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