Wednesday, April 17, 2013

From the Start

Today we read 1 Samuel 19, 1 Chronicles 7, Psalm 59, and Matthew 4.

I am blessed this week to be in the hills of Tennessee and I wake up each morning to a view that overlooks the Watts Bar Lake off the Tennessee River.   The sun has not peeked out yet, but when it does and the fog burns off, it will make for yet another beautiful scene today.  I will have breakfast with friends and then worship in the chapel here at Whitestone.  It is a blessed opportunity and one that I am extremely grateful for.

With all of those thoughts I read the following passage this morning and God just drove it to the point for me:  Psalm 59.16- But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.  For you have been to me a fortress  and a refuge in the day of my distress.

Whether today is a day away for nurture or your rat race schedule is about to begin, know today where your strength is and celebrate it.  Tell Him about it!  Sing praise to Him!  Whatever you face (and  I know a lot of you are facing a bunch), know where you can find refuge.  Know, acknowledge, and praise the One that will build spiritual, fortress walls around your heart and guide you through your valleys.  

Start your day by singing praise to Him and have a blessed day!

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