Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To His Face

Today we read 1 Samuel 18, 1 Chronicles 6, Psalm 11, and Matthew 3.

I am not sure when it started.  We guessed it was 2003 last night.  For several years I have had the opportunity to spend a week in April in Tennessee with some other pastors in a conference led by Ken Smith.   A long time ago a friend told Ken- You need to leave more than a bunch of old sermons laying around when you are gone.  You need to find a way to invest what you know in others.   Out of that conversation our time together started.    We read a few books before we come and talk about those.  We discuss different ministry ideas, circumstances that we are facing, and maybe a devotional word or two.  However, honestly, the greatest thrill for this week is the laughs, the cries, and the sharing of the journey.  I will find out this week that this year has been triumphal for some of these guys...dismal for others.  I don't know that yet.  I will learn it later though.  They rag me and I rag them.  Last night they were calling me 'beanpole'.  That hits a lot softer now than it did when I was in high school.  I am not a beanpole but I have lost over 50 lbs. since they have seen last (or since that pic on this blog was taken).  Ken also informed me that they expect a Von Trapp concert--one more shot at Edelweiss, I guess.  

I share all this because I want to take the time to thank my church family for the opportunity.  It is a time of fresh renewal.  No, I won't come back preaching any better, but I will come back a little stronger.  You have allowed me every spring to carve out this week and I appreciate it.

I also share this because I want to thank my family.  The world does not slow down when I am gone. There is another full week in the Heeringa family but I am missing it.  Thank you, Dawn and the girls for this opportunity.

I actually made a detour on the way up to spend the night with my parents as well and enjoy a couple of meals with them.  What a gift of God!
I am blessed and I fully acknowledge that it is not me, but Him... and them...and you.  Thanks!

Today God burned this verse in my heart as my verse of the day.
Psalm 11.7- For the Lord is righteous;  he loves righteous deeds;  the upright shall behold his face.
Let's look to His Face today and live like we do!

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