Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All to Him

We close out this year together looking at the book of Revelation (  What an intriguing and captivating book!  Much has been made of it that was intended by the Revelator, Christ, or by the author, John, however, when grasped for what it really is, it is a special work.   It is a work of encouragement, strength, and hope.  It does not focus as much on what is going to happen as it does on what is happening.  There is a battle taking place.  It may be unseen but it is very much felt and the evidence of such a battle is obvious in our world around us. 
One of the greatest truths that is shared through the book, however, is that Christ is in the midst with us and for us.   You see it again and again.  He is here with us and He is to be praised.
Today I was led to a verse of praise that gives a sevenfold (or a complete) worship of Christ.  It is found in Rev. 5:12- “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!”   This sevenfold worship exclamation is hitting on the numerology that runs through Revelation.  Seven is a complete number because of the 7 days of the complete creation.  (Six, for instance, is a number that takes away the Sabbath day of rest, and there is much play off of that number as well in Revelation.)  The point is the sevenfold worship is complete.  We are to give complete worship to Christ.  He receives all the power, money, wisdom, might, honor, glory and blessing that this world can afford.  He is worthy of it all...and we ought to live like it.
Let's end the year giving Him praise so that we can start it right as well.

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