Monday, July 8, 2013

Praise for the Generations

Today we read Hosea 13-14, Psalm 100-102, and Hebrews 5. 

We've a story to tell.

Psalm 102.18-22-
Let this be recorded for a generation to come,
    so that a people yet to be created may praise theLord:
19 that he looked down from his holy height;
    from heaven the Lord looked at the earth,
20 to hear the groans of the prisoners,
    to set free those who were doomed to die,
21 that they may declare in Zion the name of the Lord,
    and in Jerusalem his praise,
22 when peoples gather together,
    and kingdoms, to worship the Lord.

What we can receive from The Lord, we ought to commit our lives to, share with all of our heart for, and change our lives toward.   Have you ever thought: We are a determining factor in what the next generation knows about Jesus?  That is huge.  May the generations to come thrive, at least partially, due to our commitment today. 

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