Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Three Sweet Reminders

Today we read Micah 5-7 and Hebrews 7.

I have found three sweet reminders in one verse this morning that makes my day.
First the verse is Hebrews 7.25- Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Now the reminders.
1) He is able to save us, both now and for eternity.  What an offer to give to others!  What a promise to celebrate!  What a life to live!
2)He invites us to draw near to Him.  He welcomes us to come to Him.  You may not know me that well and I may not know you that well, but you know you and I know me.  To know that He would allow either one of us to draw near to Him is absolutely matter who you are.
3) He lives to pray for you.  Who is your greatest prayer warrior? Jesus.  Now that is something to celebrate.  That is the power of prayer.

Enjoy these three sweet reminders today.

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