Today we read Isaiah 22-24 and Hebrews 12.
As I awake early this morning in a Memphis hotel and begin to get ready to accompany a family on the day of a big surgery, I am thankful today for such a cloud of witnesses.
Hebrews speaks to the matter in Hebrews 12.1-2- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
After speaking of several Biblical heroes that God used mightily through their strong faith, the Hebrews writer reminds us that all of heaven is cheering us on in this race of life to claim the prize (or the best) that God would have for us. I believe I will know all of those in that cloud one day when I see Jesus face to face. I am thankful today for those that I know are in glory cheering me on.
I am also thankful this morning for those that have cheered me on throughout my life on this earth. I have had a host of witnesses all my life. Raised by Godly parents, influenced by Godly grandparents, and raised in a great church with great men of God around me, I was blessed at an early age. Since that time, God has allowed me to minister on staff in churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Mississippi, and I have always been surrounded by great encouragement.
Now I reflect on a man that I am truly thankful for who is to have brain surgery today to remove a tumor. A dear saint, a trusted friend, and a great mentor, I have spent much time thanking God for Lonnie Whitt over the last few days. I celebrate, as well, the great gift of God given to me in a church family that met me at the altar twice yesterday for soul stirring prayer as we joined together to pray for one of us. What a host of witnesses! Even today, as I will communicate through mobile means with a 'host' to give surgery updates for continued prayer, I continue to be encouraged by so many.
God is so good to me. He often shows his goodness by those that surround me, encourage me on, and join with me in the ministry that God lays before us.
I am thankful today for the host of witnesses I have hear and the cloud of witnesses watching me from 'there'. You have the same today if you chose to acknowledge it, so I encourage you not to miss it.
You are not alone! Let's run together for His prize today!
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